Tuesday, July 19, 2011

EFT- An Excellent Way to Overcome Fibromyalgia

By Marty Don

Pain that happens every minute of every day- this is one symptom of fibromyalgia which makes people feel hopeless. The great thing is that there is a natural pain relief for this which is known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Fibromyalgia is an upsetting condition and which will affect several aspects of a person's life. Thus, it is important to look for the suitable pain relief option when faced with getting treatment, and a helpful choice is the EFT therapy.

How Does EFT Ease Fibromyalgia?

When no amount of pain relief tablets and medications seems to help and there does not appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel, you can always turn to EFT. Now, how does this work for fibromyalgia? In the Emotional Freedom Technique, certain pressure points on your body are being stimulated in order to control the amount of pain that you have. No needles are used! This can be self-applied, and the best thing is that if you are on a limited budget, you can learn this technique for free on the Internet and self-apply the tapping.

EFT can go deep into the emotional root cause of fibromyalgia as well as relieve other symptoms aside from chronic muscle pain, such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, and memory loss. It works on the body's energy systems and was originally developed by Gary Craig following the discovery that imbalances in your energy systems can have a huge impact on personal psychology. Believe it or not, Emotional Freedom Technique has been around for over 10 years and it has helped thousands of people from all over the world.

EFT therapy uses the tips of your fingers to lightly tap different meridian points which are located on your face and body. The process of gently tapping on these points clears blockages and allows the smooth flow of energy to enter. Tap whilst you think about your specific problem, which is pain, and state positive affirmations like "Even though I am in serious pain, I deeply and completely accept myself." You can spend about two minutes tapping and then, breathe and relax.

EFT is a powerful tapping tool to conquer the enduring pain which results from fibromyalgia. For training videos and workshops on how to minimize fibromyalgia pain, take a visit at the EFT therapy website.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

How Can A Bellevue Chiropractor Help With Fibromyalgia?

By Dr. Michael Weir

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling tired, maybe all washed out and drag down? Do you have pain that goes through your entire body and doesn't seem to respond to any other treatments that you've tried? Do have trouble staying asleep at night? These are some of the classic signs of fibromyalgia. The good news is that these signs are caught early and treated in the proper way, fibromyalgia can be resolved at the very least controlled. One of the ways that I have found to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms is through the use of chiropractic care.

Were you aware that chiropractic is the number one form of alternative or complementary medicine in the world? Did you know that at one point or another 20% of American men and women will go to a chiropractor? Many studies have found that those people that seek chiropractic care have an 80% satisfaction rate after they've seen the chiropractor. Still, many people want to know and question the science behind chiropractic and what it is that chiropractic does.

Chiropractors focus to reduce pain and the many other symptoms by correcting the imbalances in the skeletal system with the objective of reducing nervous system dysfunction. Many of the techniques utilized in chiropractic care include manipulation of not only the bony structures, but also the muscles, tendons, and ligaments through various forms of manual or hands-on therapy, stretching, posture correction methods, exercise, lifestyle modification recommendations including diet and nutritional management, and activity modifications. Chiropractic care also includes discussions and instructions for modifying methods of performing tasks including bending, lifting, pulling, pushing in both at work and home activities. Work station modifications are also thoroughly investigated, especially when symptoms are consistently worse after the work day.

Many of my patients who come to see me with fibromyalgia have pain or tender spots that travel throughout their entire body many times in their back in their neck, or arms and legs. They may also have headaches as a result of these tender spots. Chiropractic is a great way to reduce the pain that many fibromyalgia sufferers have by bringing alignment back to their spines, bringing relaxation to their muscles, and restoring normal posture. Many fibromyalgia sufferers also find that diet and nutritional counseling are also very beneficial. Research shows that chiropractic care for patients suffering from fibromyalgia is very supportive.

We recognize the importance of including chiropractic in your treatment planning and realize you have a choice of providers. If you, a friend or family member requires care for FM, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fibromyalgia Patients Suffer More Pain Around The Holidays

By Mike Pritsker

At New Century Spine Centers in San Diego, fibromyalgia is a common problem that many patients come in to get treatment for. Many fibromyalgia patients who come in for chiropractic care and spinal decompression therapy also know how misunderstood this condition can be. Any person suffering from fibromyalgia knows how painful and depressing life can be when they have this condition. Until you suffer with fibromyalgia or similar conditions, it is difficult to really understand the true effects that it has on a person.

But, with the help of modern research (and a little care and understanding) some doctors are starting to gain more and more knowledge about the causes, diagnosis and treatment. It is not a condition that is completely misunderstood anymore.

The American College of Rheumatology found that they could accurately identify which patients had fibromyalgia, at an over 85% accuracy level. This supports that fibromyalgia can be accurately diagnosed and may not be "all in your head" as many doctors and people previously thought. This study involved 558 chronic pain patients.

It was also found in the study that many people can have fibromyalgia with less than the previously required eleven tender trigger points as long as they have widespread pain and many of the following symptoms: fatigue, chronic headache, jaw (TMJ) pain, morning stiffness, menstrual cramping, numbness and tingling, dizziness, memory problems, diarrhea, constipation, sleeping problems, muscle pain, skin and chemical sensitivities.

Stress has long been theorized to be a major factor in fibromyalgia. And starting a new year and the upcoming holidays that come along with it is one of the most stressful times of the year.

Like all chiropractic and doctors' offices, care may vary from location to location. So if you are looking for a Chiropractor who offers short term, affordable fibromyalgia care, or if you have questions, call New Century Chiropractic in San Diego. The chiropractors at New Century Spine Centers can help you get your life back on track and eliminate the pain and suffering associated with fibromyalgia. You can be seen immediately with no obligation to extensive treatment plans. New Century Spine Centers can be reached at 619-630-9153. Treatments include chiropractic care, drx9000, decompression therapy and more.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

An Alternative Treatment for Fibromyalgia Pain

By Khase Janison

Looking for an alternative treatment for fibromyalgia? Before doing so, it would be best to take a look at fibromyalgia first. Fibromyalgia is a medical disorder that causes connective tissue and muscle pain. The symptoms of this disorder are not limited to pain though because it also causes disturbances in sleep, joint stiffness and debilitating fatigue. Some people who suffer from the ailment also have bowel difficulties and experience pain when swallowing. Stiffness in the joints may also occur if you have this illness.

According to recent reports, the illness affects an estimated 2 to 4 percent of the population. Historically, the ailment has been classified as either a neuropsychiatric disease or a musculoskeletal one. There is still no cure for fibromyalgia to this day but there are some clinical trials that have been done in the past few decades that alleviate the pain and the symptoms.

Palpitations, tingling of the skin, nerve pain and muscle spasms are a few symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Chronic sleep disorders and memory problems can also be expeirences. Cognitive dysfunctions are also common among patients and that makes it so distressing.

The exciting thing to note is that the cause of the disease has not yet been known. However, there are some theories about the causes. One of the most likely causes of the disease considered are genetic factors. But, it is unclear how the disease is hereditary. Stress can also play a key role in the development of the disease. As an example, depression can coexist with fibromyalgia.

Plenty of alternative treatments for fibromyalgia pain are available. Many of these treatments are written in detail on the Internet. One of the most atypical ways to relieve pain caused by this ailment is electromagnetism by the use of a bracelet of power. The bracelets of power are being used by sports professionals so they can play better. The use of a bracelet of power can also relieve muscle pain and can also help people with fibromyalgia.

Many doctors won't recommend the use of a bracelet of power because of the absence of evidence on how it can improve your condition. But, as power bracelets have had great success when it comes to improving the health and motor function there's really no harm in trying it. Many people swear to what the bracelet does, but new users of the band say that it is because the bracelet is comparatively cheaper than other treatment methods that they used it. Because it is cheap and promises good results, such as better engine performance, a lot of people want to try it. Numerous people are now seeing electromagnetism as a treatment in a more positive level.

The power bracelet may be getting a lot of negative media attention right now but it symbolizes hope for those with illnesses that cannot be treated by conventional medicine. The things it can do is something that the scientific community should take a look at more closely. If we open our minds to holistic treatments, we may be able to live fuller and healthier lives.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Other Substitutes to Reduce Pain in Fibromyalgia

By Khase Janison

Fibromyalgia has been regarded as a musculoskeletal disorder since decades ago. At the time, other medical professionals also thought of it as a neuropsychiatric disorder. But, is imperative to note that fibromyalgia has no cure yet. There are some treatments that are very effective, but these treatments are still being studied. Medications, exercise and behavioral interventions are included in these treatments.

In the field of medicine, the diagnosis of the disease is controversial because there is a lack of agreement in the scientific community. As a matter of fact, there are even a few doctors who do not consider fibromyalgia as a disease because of the absence of abnormalities in the physical tests or examinations performed on people suffering from it.

People who suffer from this disease don't really care if it is classified as a disease or not. What matters to them is the relief of the pain. Lessening pain due to fibromyalgia can be very hard because there is no way to get rid of it quite effectively. The causes of disease and its treatment are still under investigation from the medical community. Medication that has proven effective in clinical trials is now being utilized to ease the pain in fibromyalgia.

It is unfortunate however that certain conventional treatments are not effective to all patients. Some patients actually have a rather negative reaction to certain drugs or to exercises.

Some people, who have lost hope in the treatment of the disease by conventional means or in relieving unbearable pain in fibromyalgia, would try just about anything to relieve the pain. This is where the controversial power bracelet is of use. It has been under a scrutiny due to the statements of the company in the past about the benefits of the product, but still, many people continue to wear a bracelet of power in his wrists. They don't wear it as a fashion statement, they wear it because the bracelet can ease pain in fibromyalgia.

This may sound unusual or bizarre for some but using a power bracelet can improve one's physical energies by balancing them. This improves muscular functions along the way too that is why a lot of athletes wear the bracelet. In fact, a few basketball stars got a lot of media attention by wearing power bracelet ballers. This is due to the fact that the things that the product can do not have scientific proof yet. Consumers need to take a closer look at this issue though because there are a few things to take into consideration and this includes holistic treatments and medicine in general. Our ancestors used holistic treatments way before conventional medicine came along. This alternative is worth taking a look at especially in cases like these i.e. when the disease has no cure and there are not that many ways to alleviate the pain.

Holistic treatments are non invasive anyway so why not give them a try. It does not really matter what science says because its your body that determines whether the treatment is effective or not.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

What Are The Best Medication Options For Fibromyalgia?

By David Lawrence, MD

There are plenty of medication options for the treatment of fibromyalgia, however, a lot of them simply do not work and are not FDA approved. Whether or not a medication is FDA approved is not necessarily a litmus test for success. In addition, even if the medication is FDA approved for one indication, they can successfully be used many times off label for other conditions.

Fibromyalgia is very difficult to treat. It causes diffuse pain in patients, so a lot of doctors treat it with narcotics. A growing body of literature now shows that to generally be a bad idea and can make fibromyalgia patients worse. This is termed opioid induced hyperalgesia. Chronic narcotic usage that makes patients worse is probably not the best option.

Also, we do know that chronic narcotic usage is a poor treatment option for most people. The chronic pain medications may cause a patient to become depressed, they may cause addiction, they may cause constipation, and ultimately may cause withdrawal when terminating usage.

Tramadol is one medication that has been shown to be very helpful for fibromyalgia patients. The trade name is Ultram, and it is a non-narcotic analgesic. It has dual action, one being tricyclic activity, which blocks the release of epinephrine and serotonin, and on top of that it has opioid agonist activity. This double mechanism of action works really well for fibromyalgia people.

Another class of medications that can be very beneficial for fibromyalgia are tricyclic antidepressants. These include such medications as nortriptyline, amitriptyline, and cylobenzaprine. These medications were not originally indicated for fibromyalgia but numerous studies have shown that they do work fairly well.

One of the FDA approved medications for fibromyalgia is milnacipran. In the US, it is an approved medication for fibro. The side effects of the medication are similar to another fibro medication called duloxetine. Milnacipran is typically combined with pregabalin for treatment.

A second FDA approved medication for fibromyalgia is duloxetine. It has achieved FDA approval in the US for depression, anxiety, and painful diabetic neuropathy. The medication is called an SNRI - serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. One of the common side effects with duloxetine is nausea, with otherse being sleepy or even insomnia.

The third medication that is FDA approve for fibromyalgia is called pregabalin. The brand name is Lyrica. This medication was initially FDA approved for painful diabetic neuropathy, epilepsy, and postherpetic neuropathy. Side effects that can be seen with pregabalin are swelling in the extremities, dizziness, and drowsiness. It is not clear why pregabalin works, but significant research has shown great results.

Thankfully, we now have better medication options for fibromyalgia patients.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Is There a Real Disease Called Fibromyalgia?

By David Lawrence, MD

Fibromyalgia is a label that is ascribed to a large number of patients who describe chronic pain. Some of these patients have distinct tender points around their body, while others don't have this at all but describe more of a diffuse pain that really isn't specific to one particular anatomical region.

Fibromyalgia is not a distinct condition with a single pain generating mechanism. It is a common complicated condition that is characterized by a heightened pain perception with a number of precipitating factors. What is often seen is a wide variety of presenting complaints, such as headaches, shooting pains in the extremities, irritable bowel syndrome, generalized aching, and other endocrine problems.

The specific cause of fibromyalgia is unknown. Professors, researchers, and clinicians do not understand why patients end up with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. A significant amount of the time patients present with restless leg syndrome, disturbed sleep patterns, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, but no established cause can be figured out.

Some literature has displayed a relationship between fibromyalgia and pre-adolescent sexual abuse. Pre-adolescent sexual abuse can end up with a patient having problems of chronic migraines, fibromyalgia, hypertension, and potentially autoimmune diseases. During the evaluation of the patient, this should be asked.

Since fibromyalgia's cause is not known, we can't say that depression causes it, but it is often seen along with fibromyalgia. Multiple antidepressants have been shown to work well for fibromyalgia so it is known that depression is a common comorbidity. These include tricyclic antidepressants along with some others.

Fibromyalgia is a very frustrating disease. It presents with a constellation of symptoms that do not have a single cause and for which we do not understand how the disease comes about. We do know that there is often times mental health comorbidities. Fortunately in the current medical treatment era, there are numerous medications that have been shown to help dramatically with patients symptoms of fibromyalgia. Some of these are FDA approved, while others are not but still work exceptionally well for the condition. These medications include duloxetine, tricyclic antidepressants, tramadol, milnacipran, and pregabalin. Opioid medications are currently falling out of favor for fibromyalgia due to their ineffectiveness and multiple side effects.

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