Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fibromyalgia and Autoimmunity

By Dr. Steven Yen

If you're someone who suffers from Fibromyalgia, it's very important to not only understand what the condition is, but what the condition is not. Frequently Fibromyalgia is treated like Lupus or Rheumatism. While it's correct that many Lupusand Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers have Fibromyalgia, Fibromyalgia is NOT an autoimmune disorder.

Now I'm absolutely sure you are thinking,"Wait a minute! I believed my immunological system was involved with myFibromyalgia!"

It is - but in a different way.

Autoimmune sicknesses occur when the immunological system mistakenly sees parts of your body as threat and then it creates special anti-bodies to battle and destroy those parts.For example - in Rheumatoid Arthritis your body is developing a defense against the tissue in the joints. These anti-bodies, as well as certain swelling markers, show up in blood work and are used diagnose the disorder.

Signs of autoimmune sicknesses include pain, fatigue, morning rigidity, anxiety, and sleep disturbance so it is easy to see how Fibromyalgia can be linked with these conditions.

Unlike autoimmune disorders, Fibromyalgia does not have one particular cause and is not diagnosed as having blood work. One component of Fibromylagia , however , is dysfunction of the immunological system. Many Fibromyalgia sufferers have a depressed immune system due to sympathetic activation stressed nerves. That's why it is very important for those with Fibromyalgia to have comprehensive diets, exercise daily, and get enough sleep so they can reconstruct their bodies ' natural defense.

It is also awfully important to recognize the greatest difference between an autoimmune disorder and Fibromyalgia because some of the treatments for autoimmune defects don't work for Fibro, and may very well make Fibro symptoms worse.


Steroids and immunosuppressant drugs are not advised for the handling of Fibromyalgia.

Now, the jury isn't completely out on Fibromyalgia and an autoimmune connection;however, you should start treating your agony now.

Whether or not your agony has a label or not, you're still experiencing discomfort.

By focusing on your health, not on what the blood work or x-rays don't say,you can begin to feel better and regain control of your life.

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